
Free Stuff – Rad Video Tools (Bink Video Player & Converter)

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Free Stuff – Rad Video Tools (Bink Video Player & Converter)

Rad Video Tools is a free player and coverter that gives you total control over and bink (bnk) and smacker (smk) video and sound files for any game that uses that compression technology. You can use the tool to play any video in the game that is one of those files, export the music or sounds from such games, convert the movies to AVI files, etc.

Don’t think that only old games use the technology. Even Mass Effect 2 uses Bink movie files.

You can download the free tool/program here:

Views: 2831


I've been gaming since the introduction of the Commodore 64. After that computer I moved onto Amiga and finally onto PC. As far as consoles go I mainly enjoy the older systems.

3 thoughts on “Free Stuff – Rad Video Tools (Bink Video Player & Converter)

  • Pingback: Reviewed: Sandberg Wireless Touch Pad Keyboard | Backlit Wireless Keyboard

  • This is useful if you want to rip stuff from games and see the ending without beating it. ^_0

  • kool thing ta have if y wana watch game movies

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