
Commercial Wars: Best use of Sexy

Bush Volleyball
Bush Volleyball

Let’s just be honest, sex sells and it doesn’t matter if you are talking about cars, clothing or even food. Market research and human nature shows that adding the right amount of sex appeal can push your product over the edge. Take the recent Old Spice commercials, with that spot the sexiness was used as a pun and it still worked wonders for both guys and gals. As long as you don’t overdo it and turn people off, sexy is a powerful tool.

Now when it comes to gaming you could be sarcastic and claim that since the stereotype of gamers not having sexy girls is more truth that fiction that adding beautiful girls will draw the guys in by the boat load. We here at Obsolete Gamer have even found that our Fappathon feature attracts the most views particularly by those in the coveted 18 to 35 age range. You always see booth babes at almost any convention that attracts young and older men and let’s not even dive into the way women have been drawn and animated in videos games.

Perhaps we should ask if a sexy gal in a commercial, trailer or in game actually helps a gamer decide to purchase a game or not. In my opinion I would say no. Sure, DOA extreme beach volleyball was interesting, but I did not by it because the game just wasn’t worth it to me. I guess you have to take into consideration where else you can find sexy gals so why spend sixty bucks on a game to see it. Either way, whether you care about the girl convincing you to by the game or not seeing a commercial featuring a hot babe is win win. Let’s take a look at some video game commercials that utilize sexy and you vote on which is best.

Metroid: Other M

Metroid was great even before I knew Samus was a girl, but once I found out it was like having your favorite pizza place hire a hot waitress, it just makes the experience better. Since we’ve known there has been no shortage of shots of sexy Sam wherever and whenever we can get them. However, I will say for the most part they keep to the fact that she is hardcore and on mission at all times. Personally, I think a hardcore woman is even sexier, but that’s just me.

Perfect Dark

The reason you look at a person’s eyes is so they know you are paying attention to what they are saying. The worst thing is to be talking to a woman and looking down because even if you aren’t looking at her chest it might seem that way. In this commercial the goal is to watch it once and see if you even remember what the hell the guy was talking about. I know I didn’t hear a word he said until the end. I was too busy looking at the sexy.

Tomb Raider: G4TV

Sure, it’s a G4TV commercial, (as a side note I don’t think Direct TV has it on my line-up anymore.) the thing is poor Lara has been misused and she is tired and needs to relax. I would think being on the beach in her combat boots would be uncomfortable, but what do I know. She is right however, you can’t leave her paused forever, that’s just rude.

Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball

Remember what I said about stereotypes, well you have it all here in spades. These are girls playing beach volleyball, but honestly, can you blame the stares, even president Bush had to stop and look. I am not sure about having a bunch of guys all sitting around ogling at the screen, but the “play with yourself” line gives you an out for those of you with an XBOX in your bedroom or moms basement. At the end they guy speaking is the same guy that did the Navy commercials, let the seamen jokes fly.

Sex Sells

So here we have four different videos that use sex appeal to sell their games. Now the question is which one did it best?

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Views: 2254

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

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