Brain Kritzberg: Ninth Dimension Studios

Name: Brian Kritzberg
Company: Ninth Dimension Studios, LLC
Profession: Producer/Co-Founder
Favorite Classic Game: Contra for NES
Quote: I’m not quite sure why I love this game so much, but I just do! I must have played it a million times with my best friend growing up and I still play it today. When a game doesn’t get old after 20 years you know you have a winner! It had several things going for it; Firstly, it was one of the few games that you could play in Co-Op Mode on NES. Playing alongside your buddy blowing up galactic henchmen and crazy arm-flailing aliens is always more fun than doing it by yourself! I also liked the assortment of weapons you could get your hands on; especially the spread-shot gun, where the entire screen was practically enveloped when you fired. This game actually had really good gameplay, fun graphics, and was quite challenging. Definitely my top pick!
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This was the first game I remember playing co-op on the NES and it blew my mind back in the 80s.