Ask the Fucking Professor
Welcome to Ask the Fucking Professor. If you have a question or a problem that cannot be answered by anyone, do not despair, you can always Ask the Professor! If Professor Lazarus can’t find the answer then there probably isn’t one.
What’s super about Super Noodles?
Its unique to ability to become weak, limp and lifeless when in contact with Kryptonite, (AKA Boiling water)
Is a Jaffa cake a cake or a biscuit?
Neither, the humble Jaffa Cake is categorized as “Weaponised confectionary” It use through history as a weapon of mass destruction is well renown, Hitler called them “War Winners” Churchill used them to poison the Dutch. Little has changed and today’s Jaffa Cake strikes fear into the hearts of the most hardened soldier. Its also a great substitute for ball bearings.
How come bullet holes were repaired instantly on the A-Team van
A little known fact about the A-Team TV series is that it was a test bed for future weapons. “FUTWEP’s” as they are known in the deathification trade, The A-Team van was constructed using one of these FUTWEP materials, polymographical steel, or MEMSTEL as its known in the FUTWEP Metallurgical division (FUTWEPMETDIV) FUTWEPMETDIV tested MEMSTEL on the show with terrific effect, in one episode the van was peppered with 700 rounds of munitions yet moments later it was if it was never touched. Other FUTWEP’s that where tried where helicopters that could crash into mountains without a fatality, open top jeeps that could land on the roof without such as a scratch to the unprotected drivers and of course, FUTWEPS ultimate weapon, George Peppard. (GPEP)
Can dogs look up?
Dogs a very self-centered and self-regarding, they rarely acknowledge the talents and successes of other dogs, the concept of looking up to another dog is bordering on the ridiculous.
Shazam. If you have a question for the Professor, send an email to or post it in the forum.
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