The man who thought the NES was worth $13,000
This column has never been shy about pointing out epic fails in video gaming knowledge. From CBS News graphics stating the Sega Genesis was recently hacked to fleshy art collectors who’d swear they saw Walter Day running from the Texas Schoolbook Depository in 1963, I take great joy in pointing out when supposed gaming information experts miss the mark by a hemisphere or two.
This gentleman on A&E’s Storage Wars takes the cake. For those who avoid such shows like the plague, Storage Wars is little more that footage of people who buy abandoned or defaulted storage lockers at auctions and dig through the mess inside hoping to find buried treasures.
Information for what to look for is important for this line of work, and this poor soul didn’t have it. Upon finding a cola-stained original Nintendo Entertainment System, it was proclaimed to be an NES-001, “the first Nintendo DS built” and was supposedly worth $13,000 based on the last time it sold on the “internets”.
Sadly, he failed to realize the famed $13,000 “internets” sale of an NES included the super rare Stadium Events cartridge, which is what carried the value.
Rather than take a quick stop to look at eBay, Amazon or anywhere else, he quickly calls another guy to go to a used game store and obtain the true value of the broken classic console: $10.
Watch the video and listen carefully. I swear you can hear that music from a lost Price is Right game at the end of the clip.
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Views: 2276
considering he called it a Nintendo DS
The thing about that $13,105 NES auction wasn’t that it came with the NES but rather one of the rarest NES games produced, Family Fitness Stadium Events. And the actual cost really isn’t the game it’s self, but the original cardboard box it came in.