violent video games

You don't get the show

You dont get the show #6: Damn, Video Gamers are violent!

This week we look at video games and violence with three stories where violence just doesn’t belong. First we got a Pokémon Go player who goes Pokémon hunting in the wrong neighborhood and finds the wrong kind of Blastoise. Next, we travel to South Korea where a disgruntled gamer goes Carmageddon on Nexon headquarters and finally to California where a Heroes of the Storm keyboard warrior goes full terrorist complete with an AK47 and ends up in FBI custody. You better get this show.

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Video Game Voters Network aims to band gamers together in violence debate

According to Taylor, the information given in the media fails to reflect the actual nature of the video game industry, including the fact that no scientific evidence exists proving the link between violent media and violent acts and the fact that the age of the average video game consumer is in their thirties. These missing facts, he says, often brings forth attempts at legislation aimed toward the video game industry.

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The Problem with “The Demise of Guys”

Sadly, like most discussions where the person is attacking something, the worst of the worst is shown and then the spotlight is pointed at the everyday gamer with an ominous warning that they are a ticking time bomb, but like everything that can be an addiction, you can learn to par take in moderation and still live a “normal” life.

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