video game ads


The OTHER fake gamers

I remember going to my friend, Jimmy’s house. His dad made commercials and he was showing us this glass of what I thought has ice and Pepsi in it. Funny thing was it had neither. The ice cubes were a specially made plastic and the liquid was designed to look even better than real Pepsi. A piece of my childhood died that day and that was before he showed us all the other fake food they show us in commercials. He was kind of a buzz kill.

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Ads of the Past: Funco Land

Oh Funco Land you evil child pawnshop. You took advantage of me by surrounding me with games I could not afford and made my adolescent brain made deals like trading Megaman 2, which my mother paid over $40 for, and selling it for less than $10.

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Classic Gaming Ads: Head to Head

Anyone who played games in the late 80’s and throughout the nineties ran across thousands of ads. If you subscribed to any magazines like Nintendo Power or Gamepro you should be familiar with many of these. We bring you an assortment of video game ads from yesteryear from your enjoyment.

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Ads From The Past: Retro Rewind

Making crappy games interesting was a huge part of video gaming back in the late 80s and 90s and this is just one of the bunch. I’m not saying the game is horrible but it’s not something I would play on a daily basis or in a session of retro gaming goodness. The ad itself portrays it as a game that anyone can pick up and play although if you were smart enough to not buy into the ad, you’ll be good. For the rest of you, run for your lives!

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