toys r us


How my Mom saved Christmas

We get to Toys-R-Us and I fly inside not waiting for my mother. In seconds I was at the electronics section. By the time my mother got there I was almost in tears. They had sold the last one just ten minutes ago. I had no back-up plan, no other store directions or addresses. I just wanted to die. My mom suggested we try a few stores on the way home which temporality lifted my spirits.

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Ads From The Past: Retro Rewind

Making crappy games interesting was a huge part of video gaming back in the late 80s and 90s and this is just one of the bunch. I’m not saying the game is horrible but it’s not something I would play on a daily basis or in a session of retro gaming goodness. The ad itself portrays it as a game that anyone can pick up and play although if you were smart enough to not buy into the ad, you’ll be good. For the rest of you, run for your lives!

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Game Reviews

Yu Gi Oh Card Collecting

So I have been getting back to one of my old hobbies once more. Back years and years ago I used to play the Yu-Gi-Oh trading card game at the local card shoppe and had a blast each weekend. Then finally the fun ran out as I spent a lot of money on the cards(probably more than a grand altogether) and decided to step down. Now, I decided to start playing again but with more precaution. Anyways, I picked up a three pack with random variant card to start off and decided to post photos of the package opening.

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