
You don't get the show

You don’t get the show #3: Let me tell you about being a crackhead

We also discuss a troll that got bitch slapped by a Blizzard employee on their own forums they cried about being banned for no reason and claimed Blizzard didn’t read the chat logs. Well they do and the Blizzard employee proved it by posted them and laying the smackdown on the troll. Speaking of smackdown, we give a little bit of a smackdown to Game Rant for claiming it was a Overwatch article when it was clearly a Heroes of the Storm article. Can we say clickbait?

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Company Representatives

Profiled: Ichiro Lambe

We talked with Ichiro Lambe from Dejobaan games their incredible game, Elegy for a Dead World where you explore dead civilizations, write about what you find, and share your stories with the world. You can find the game on Steam. Ichiro started gaming at an earlier age and like host, J.A. Laraque even had a Texas Instruments TI 99/4A. We talked about his gaming background and his journey from gamer to game maker. So check out his episode and let us know what you think.

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Modern PC Gaming

War of the Roses

Swinging a weapon though, can be a slightly awkward affair. You press the mouse button to swing and then swipe your mouse to swing your weapon in that direction. It works well enough when you get used to it, and these combat mechanics are touched on in the tutorial. That said, I think that this could have been handled in interesting fashion with say, a second analog stick on a game controller as well.

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Modern PC Gaming

Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

Jedi Academy captures the excitement of lightsaber combat perfectly and not to far into the game allows the player to select between single, dual or a staff lightsaber. The problem with Jedi Outcast was the amount of tedious levels you had to play before you got your lightsaber, in this game you have it from the start and can customize it to your liking. I tend to favor dual lightsabers in green and purple, I have no idea why. After completing the single player I was actually surprised when I logged into multiplayer to find servers still running and being played online.

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Indie Games

Containment: The Zombie Puzzler

I mentioned this was a puzzle game. You get 4 types of non-zombies: The Soccer Mom (as I call her) dressed in Pink, Army Dude dressed in Green. Police Officer in Blue and Anarchist in Orange. To defeat the zombies, you have to surround on four sides (corners do not apply) with the same color. You can surround groups of zombies. Zombies on the edges only have to have 2 sides (sometimes three sides) before they are killed. The colors vary each time for the fighters. As you use them, they disappear and more fill in from the top. Continue matching colors as you can until you defeat all the zombies. But you have to do it quickly, otherwise the zombies will keep eating your defenders and you will run out of defenders and lose the round.

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Company RepresentativesGamer Profiles

John Getty: Exato Game Studios

As an entrepreneur and gamer by nature, I always wanted to create video games. It started very early in middle school as I modded games like Starcraft and Command and Conquer: Red Alert, then dabbled a little in RPG Maker and flash. When I got to college, I met a good friend who shared a similar interest and with very little deliberation (we were both very excited), we started Exato Game Studios.

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