skies of arcadia

Sega Dreamcast

Skies of Arcadia

In terms of set-up, Skies of Arcadia is pretty much your standard Japanese RPG fare: a young boy from a small village is summoned by destiny to save the world by fighting random, turn-based battles across strange new lands filled with a multitude of manga-style characters, and so on, and so forth. We’ve been here before (Grandia, Final Fantasy, etc. etc.), but the difference with Skies is the sheer imagination that has been poured into the game world, along with the strong sense of ownership you feel over the characters.

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David Costarigot: Zallag

I actually discovered this game a little later than most gamers. As I didn’t own a Dreamcast I had to wait for the GameCube release a few years later. It was unfortunately not a big hit in France and quite difficult to find in stores. Despite these accessibility issues, I’ve had tremendous fun playing this game. I think it’s the RPG that occupied me for the longest time (120 hours). I’ve completed the main story and almost all of the secondary missions.

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