Robby Zinchak


The Interview: Robby Zinchak: 8-Bit MMO

There are several NPCs in-game that will teach you the basics of how to play, or give you quests. RobbyZ will teach you the basics of how to play. Draco the Architect is a dragon who likes to build, and he’ll teach you how to use the construction system by giving you various quests. Tutorial Zombie is a mercenary of sorts, and he’ll give you contracts to go out and kill the nefarious LawyerCats that plague the wilderness. I am planning additional monsters & quest NPCs in future.

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Indie Games

8-Bit MMO

This is pretty cool for fans of classic and indie games. This MMO game allows players to interact in a top down world that is very original Zelda-style. It is pretty much a giant world or sandbox as they call it that allows you to build or movie buildings like castles or homes and fight something they call Lawyercats and there is even PVP.

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Company Representatives

Robby Zinchak: Archive Games

There’s something about that game that after you play it, you never forget it. I think it may have had the best story in all of games – witty, touching, and fantastical all at the same time. But it also had amazing graphics… some of those scenes are still spectacular even by today’s standards. Everything about it just came together beautifully to make an experience more detailed, more immersive, than anything I played before or since.

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