
Ask Kayhynn, Week 1

Once a week Kayhynn will answer up to five questions that have been submitted, either through e-mail or through various forums she visits and have a topic talking about this article on it. All questions will be gaming related and can be about her personal gaming history, her take on games, why she plays the games she does

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Lineage A Crack of Time – Q&A

Our focus is on enhancements based on player feedback. We are in a unique situation where we have the option of catering to our players requests and we want to make sure they are given a game they will enjoy playing. We listen to their feedback, we watch their play patterns, and then we make tiny little adjustments to give them access to parts of the game which have become under used over the years. It’s amazing what a difference a tiny change can make.

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World of Warcraft: Ask a CDev

As shown in the World of Warcraft Special #1 comic, Algalon is currently monitoring the activities of the mortal races of Azeroth. His outlook on life and the titans’ plans has been called into question, so he seeks to understand what makes Azeroth so different from the countless worlds he has observed before.

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