
Medal of Honor

I had fun with it, but going through the review has really made me a bit more negative on the whole thing. It’s an interesting game that’s for sure, but the little annoyances really nip at your heels. The end of the game does sort of end abruptly as well. You would have thought with a game backed by Spielberg you would get something, instead you get a 15 second clip announcing victory. The gameplay is decent in Medal of Honor, but the total lack of story doesn’t really drive you forward to complete it.

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Tomba 2

The game starts you out as caveman of some sort that goes on adventures like saving a crab for once…lol….it does contain some great graphics and interesting concepts. The game is just so damn fun and hard to find. I for once have only found one copy of it and has been loose which is still worth a pretty penny(around 35 US dollars loose according to my friend that owns a gaming store).

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Computer Games

UFO: Enemy Unknown

UFO or X-COM as they call it in the US is a product built upon the idea that could’ve easily been transformed into three different, smaller games. First of, there’s the strategy – Globe View – in which you build your bases, send intercepting ships to shoot of alien vessels and direct your troop transport crafts to various missions – like alien terror attack, alien bases or earlier mentioned shot down UFOs. Sounds cool? Good, because it is!

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