Obsolete Gamer show

Obsolete Network

The Best of The Obsolete Gamer Show 2013

For the Obsolete Gamer Show team being able to chat with people about video games is just about the most fun we can have. We get to be silly, have fun, laugh, a lot, and talk with people from all over the world. These are not just podcasts, they are fond memories and good times and we were proud to have them all and wanted to bring you some of the best moments from OGS 2013.

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Obsolete Network

The Obsolete Gamer Show #35: The Clip Show

Next up part one in our audio version of the Gamer Parent series where we talk with gamers who are now parents. This gives a good insight into being both a gamer and a parent and we hope to add more interviews in the near future. Finally we bring you two interviews from Florida Supercon. The first one is an extended version of our interview with Stealth Mobile Gaming and our interview with Florida Arcade & Pinball Exposition.

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Growing up in Arcades

This week on the Obsolete Gamer show we reminisce about arcade rooms and the various arcade games and establishments we visited in our youth. Check out the various questions we asked fans on our Fan Book fan page and look for our game where we send in pictures of arcade games where ever we find them.

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The Obsolete Gamer Show: Worst Show Ever

Everyone has off days and pretty much every day the staff at Obsolete Gamer is a little off. This time for the show, we wanted to focus on horrible things you have done during gaming. Examples of horrible things you would do during gaming world be like pooping in a sock or forgoing a shower for days on end.

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The Obsolete Gamer Show: Rants and Rewind

Soon however, we began talking about companies and how they market to gamers including releasing bugged content and forcing people to download additional content to make more money. From there we went into a rant about Activision and Sony Online Entertainment, but hey, there were valid points in there and a lot of funny, which is good.

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The Obsolete Gamer Show: Episode 8

Each company has a different way of doing things, but the overall goal is the same and that is to give the customer the best computer they can at a price they can afford with a support staff they can depend on. In fact they will tell you that if you have a love of building a PC then go for it. However, it is not for everyone and if you decide you want a well-built system then do you research and be informed before you make your final choice.

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The Obsolete Gamer Show 5

What do you get when you put three crazy geeky gamers in a room for an hour, uncommon hilarity. On this week’s OGS our famed editorial writer Umar joined us to talk about everything from Farmville hate to Pokemon love. No gaming subject was too taboo nor were the jokes. I have to say I believe this was our funniest show ever and I will just leave it at that.

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