

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1

There was a lot of hate over some of the later Sonic games, fans wanted more of the original, but the question remains if this version will satisfy the purists who want their Sonic 2 & 3 days back with those who don’t want to shell out $15 bucks for what some call “New levels for an old game.” I, like many old school gamers, care about the gameplay over the flashing lights, we rather play a good game that stays true to its roots than a re-envisioningthat ruins the franchise. The idea of updating slightly, but not changing too much is not new, just look at StarCraft 2 for an example. Personally as a fan of classic Sonic this game is a winner for me. Is it groundbreaking and new, no, but we tried that with Sonic and for me it did not live up to the name.

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Mobile Games

Street Fighter IV on the Apple App store Tonight

As for controls, the game plays like most on the iPhone and iPod touch, you have your four buttons (punch, kick, special move, and focus attack) in the right hand corner and your direction pad in the left. The buttons and eight-way directional controls are pretty large and take up a good size of the screen, but it isn’t too bad. A few more things to mention, first there are three gameplay modes, you can fight against the AI, versus multiplayer, or training modes. A note about multiplayer is it is supported locally only so you will need to be within range of someone else with an iPhone to play against them.

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Mobile Games

Final Fantasy on the iPhone

Keep in mind that these are the Japanese release numbers meaning FF II in the U.S. was really FF VI in Japan so with these you are getting the original FF I & II. (There will be a test on this on Friday) Now the guys and gals over at Enix realize this game my not appeal to new comers of the FF franchise, but us old school RPG’er should be chomping at the bit. Even if FF isn’t your thing if this is successful you could see more titles down the line like Chrono Trigger and something I’d love to see, Parasite Eve.

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World of Warcraft Auction House and Armory app

This is a fairly complex service to develop, due in large part to its unprecedented integration with the game, so we don’t have an exact release date yet. It’s important to note here that certain elements of the service will be premium-based, which we’ll go into more detail on once the service functionality is finalized. As with all of the services we offer, we plan to integrate the Auction House and Armory in a way that won’t disrupt the gameplay experience, and we won’t release it until it meets the quality standards that we’ve set for our other features and services.

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