funny video

Obsolete meets Obscure

The Picard Song

The original song was created by, Dark Materia featuring clips from Star Trek the next Generation and original music. The original video was uploaded by, CoJux. Perhaps you have to like Star Trek somewhat to like this song, but I still consider it one of the best of the internet.

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MS DOS 5 Upgrade Song

I really want this video to speak for itself, but in a nutshell this is an promotional video that was sent to retailers to get them to purchase the MS Dos 5 upgrade to sell to their customers. This was done using a rap video, a horrible, horrible, rap video.

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Game Reviews

Batsu Games: No-Reaction Pie Hell

So here is the deal. A bet was made on which team would win, the loser had to stay in another persons house and live there for a day like it was his own home. Here is the rub, four people will follow him around all day and throw pies at him while an announcer tells him to do various things. The trick is the man cannot react to being hit by the pies.

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Game Reviews

Online Piracy PSA Parody

You ever see those PSA’s mainly at movie theaters where they ask if you would steal a car or rob someone at gunpoint and then they say if you pirate video or music it is the same thing? Yeah, those videos suck as much as the smoking Truth PSA’s. Here is a parody video based on the Piracy PSA’s that is pretty funny.

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Obsolete meets Obscure

Ghetto Leprechaun

This is a news story for a few years ago. Just before St. Patrick’s day in Mobile, Alabama residents reported seeing a leprechaun in a tree. What resulted was a pretty funny news report with accounts from residents on the leprechaun and what they would do if they caught him.

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