everquest next


Siege Breaker Sessions: The Death of Everquest Next

The crew bids farewell to the game that we hoped would bring back the good old days of long spawn times, placeholder monsters and epic fights over dragons. Maybe not, but we were hoping the game would be good, but now we will never know. We also talk a little StarCitizen, April fool’s pranks, a technology update that we promise won’t put you to sleep and another Rizim rant in our latest podcast.

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Breaking down Everquest Next: The Rallying Call

Sony said settlements that are successful remain in the game forever, so what happens if you fail? Can you imagine the crying that will go out if you see videos of a successful settlement and you think it is really cool, but on your sever for whatever reason it failed? Would the risk vs. reward people find it cool that it was even possible to fail or will they be mad they have such “terrible players” that they could not even finish the settlement causing issues within that severs community?

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What’s next with Everquest Next

It will be the largest sandbox style MMO ever designed. The same exciting content delivered in a new way. Something you’ve never seen before. The MMO world has never seen before. We didn’t want more Kill 10 Rats quests. We didn’t want more of the same. If you look at the MMOs out there, they’re delivering the same content over and over again. So are we. We need to change that. When we released EverQuest, we changed the world. We want to do that again with a different type of game.

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