Earthworm Jim


Earthworm Jim

This game has a little bit of everything, but most of all, crazy monsters! The game is pretty long if you die a lot of times(like me) but fun overall. I really love a game with animation and wackiness all over it because it sort of cheers you up. It’s pretty hard to explain! I’m not sure how to say it but when you play a game full of animation and weird characters, it sort of takes you back to your childhood…a simpler time…

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The Interview: Chris Tremmel

The process has become more complicated, usually requiring a large number of people to make something significant. The money involved in some of the triple A games is staggering with some budgets now reaching 100 million dollars. That naturally changes everything in terms of peoples priorities, and agendas. Sometimes for better, sometimes for worse.

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Games Coming Out August 2010 For Consoles

It use to be August was the last change to get out and do what you really wanted to do for the summer before school started up again. Today, many of us stay inside because the sun burns. (It really really burns) Good thing the console market knows this and releases a ton of great games for the last summer push.

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Company Representatives

Kyle Rhône: Tinderbox Entertainment

As a former traditional 2D animator I think that Earthworm Jim has some of the best character animation I’ve ever seen in a video game. The visual design is unique and the game play is responsive giving the player a tactile experience. Unlike most game franchises where the sequels usually get better as time goes on, this IP never really made any thriving sequels. The first game is still the most popular and still gets ported to new platforms. EWJ is a solid side-scroller even by today’s standards.

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