Die Hard


Die Hard

There are 40 baddies to kill throughout the building levels, by fists or weapon. You’ll need your fists, because I find myself running out of ammo very quickly. But, it’s just as fun pummeling these ass-wipes. After dispatching the Germans (YIPPEE KAI YAY, MY FRIENDS!!), use the elevator to the next level, finding more weapons (NOW I HAVE A MACHINE-GUN, HO HO HO!!) and more bad guys.
Some cool features include listening in on their radios and the “foot meter”. This is because like the movie, you’re actually running around in bare feet, OVER GLASS!!! You’ll replenish health by drinking soda and finding first-aid kits.

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Game Reviews

Die Hard: Time Out

If you are a man you have to have loved the original Die Hard, it had everything including a quick boob shot. One of the cool action sequences in Die Hard was when John was fighting the bad guys in the glass offices and had to walk across the shattered glass bare foot. In this Die Hard parody “John” takes a time out from the action to discuss things with the bad guy and he gets a snack treat.

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