American Dream

Indie Games

At A Distance

At A Distance, you see, is a psychedelic two-player puzzle game that’s been designed to be played on two computers running side by side. It is a game sporting unique visuals, an amazing atmosphere, fantastic mechanics and an uncanny ability to feel like a collaborative board game that has somehow made it inside a computer. It is thus an original and very much indie offering in which the right player will be looking at something like this:

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Lost In Translation: Vietnamese Pokemon Crystal

Poorly subtitled bootleg copies of games and videos are all lying something in the darkest, dustiest corner of your closet. It’s hard for some to admit that they’ve acquired these counterfeit but we’ve all done it at some point or another. Why pay full price when you could just as easily get a rip for $5? Isn’t bootlegging what keeps Chinatowns across the US afloat? How we strive to keep the American dream alive if we don’t indulge immigrants by purchasing their fine wares?

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