Game Reviews

Scambaiter – Miranda’s profound dump

Hello all, it’s been a long while since we had a good Scambaiter. So here we go again, this time with someone calling themselves ‘Miranda Lawrence’ who wants to buy a car.

Good Evening,
Thanks for your quick response and am also excited to hear from you the car is still available for sale and thanks for the information you just gave about the car and am quite delighted to hear from you the car is still in great conditions .

I just want you to know that I’m buying the CAR on behalf of my husband as our family are expanding because we are expecting our tripplet babies soon as our first children since we got married for the past 5 years because my pregnancy is due i could deliver the babies at any time from now.
I’m glad that i will soon become a mother.

Really my self and my husband owed only one CAR at present now that we would be having our tripplet as our first children our only one CAR would Not contain us any more that was myself and my husband decided to get one additional CAR.
Without taking much time i should be arranging for the payment and shipping process right away hopefully before this week runs down.

Please i want you to email me more pictures if is still available both the exterior and interior i would really appreciate that soo much.
Really i would ‘ve come for the viewing of the CAR due to my conditions now am heavily pregnant ‘cos the doctor told me that i should not stress my self any more as a woman that is carrying a tripplet in her this case i would not be able to come for the viewing.

You should understand my predicament,but according to what you had already explain to me in your previous email i’m fully satisfied with all the conditions of the CAR.

I will offer you £5,100 inclusive the advert fees just because i know the worth of the car and more so what you’ ve stated about the car details in the advert and in additional including the advert charges you’ve spent soo far .
Presently we are in Guernsey in channel islands in United Kingdom.

Mind you that i never requested for your bank details all i needed from you is the details below where by the payment would be send to you by post office.Never give out your bank details to anybody over the internet is too risky.
All i needed from you is the FULL NAME that would be on the bankers draught, and your PHYSICAL ADDRESS that the payment would be send to by post office

My self and my husband will take care of the shippment we had already consult a private shipping company who’s going to handle it professionally for us both the shipping cost and other necessary activities concerning the shipment of the CAR.
Apart from the car being shipped at your location there is other consignments the shipping company needs to ship for me some state in uk but have made it clear to him your location will be his first arrival before moving to any other destination .

However,as for the payment am paying you a united kingdom bankers draught in (GBP) POUNDS that’s the only option and safest way for me to transfer CASH ,which am going to instruct my business associate to send you a bankers draft via royal mail.

The bankers draft would CLEARED in any bank in united kingdom my bank advised and it will take maximum of 3 to 4 working days to FULLY CLEARED INTO YOUR BANK ACCOUNT, and once you’ve confirm the payment clearance and the money is finally available in your bank account the car should be hand over to the shippingagent and papers document as well once they arrive your location.

Thanks soo much and i really appreciate your efforts for taking your time to response to my inquiry.Hopefully to hear back from you today in order to proceed further with the payment and shipping arrangements as soon as possible. I look forward to hear back from you today.
Mrs Miranda Lawrence

Wow, Miranda is offering more than the asking price, there is nothing suspious about that at all. No, sir.

Hey wow, you want to pay me MORE than I am asking for the car is worth is what you are offering MORE than the car is worth at £5300? That is a very good deal.

I am very pleased to hear about your womb. 3 babys is really a joy I wish you very much happiness. Yes, my car would be perfect for you as the back seats are very small, just like a baby.

Yes because as you can see that the car is yes in fine, fine condition, really fine and worth more than the £4900 I am asking, £5300 is a very fine price and thankyou.

Yes you will defintitely hear back from me today, please tell me how I can get the money into my bank account, do you need some details from me?

Thankyou very much, if you confirm that this is all ok and lovely then I will stop selling the car as I will consider it to be SOLD to you fine and thanks to you.

I am very happy to hear you will soon be a mother and to have three, well that is really something but be careful because Guernsey is near Jersey and you know what they do to children in Jersey. They molest them, so be careful not to let your baby get molested.

Thankyou and good morning i hope to hear from you today with your £5300 thankyou.


Would Miranda brave the child molesters of Jersey (which is near Guernsey) to pursue the purchase of a car with baby sides back seats? Of course she would, she’s soo excited about it.

Good Morning,

Thanks for your response and i really appreciate that from you soo much and am soo excited that you’ve made up your mind to sell the car to me and As for the price which is pretty good for the lovely CAR.

And as for the registration of the CAR i shall provide you all the new OWNER details as soon i have your details to enable the payment to gets to you on time.’cos according to the law here in uk all the DVLA document must be done before you could hand over the CAR to me.<

I really assure you that my husband would ring you as soon as we have all the details below because my husband travelled to California in Unites State of America and he would NOT be back till the end of this week, i would ‘ve call you mysef but sadly i’m profound dump, i could only read and write please just bear with me.

And also the shipping company would sign all the necessary document that needs to be sign on my behalf before the CAR leaves your possession.
Assumed that the CAR has been sold to me cos the payment will be made to you first thing tomorrow morning.

and i really want you to count on me that you shall receive the payment within 72HRS from tomorrow as soon as i have all the details below.

As i have said in my previous i will take care of the shipping cost myself which have already consult a private shipping company who is going to handle the shipping process professionally for me .

Now i want you to get me right on the payment and shipping status which have arrange with the shipping company;

Firstly am going to pay you an amount which is going to cover your asking for the car and the shipping cost as well as you already knew am responsible for the shipping bill.

Sameday your bank as confirm the payment cleared you deduct your asking price first and the balance left you withdraw that in cash in hand after you must deducted your asking price for the car £5,300 out of the total amount deposited.The funds left you take it to any nearby local western union agency arround you send it to my shippingagent.I shall provide you my shippingagent details where you are to transfer the cash balance immediately the payment get to you.

So right now am going to instruct my business associate to send you a bankers draft issue by united kingdom bank base in total sum of £9,600 in your name and it’s going to be post to you via postal mail which have all ready cover your asking price for the car and the shipping expenses as well.

As soon as you receive the bankers draft all you needed to do make the deposit into your bank account and when it CLEARED FULLY which will take few days to cleared fully into your bank account my bank advised .

Mind you am 100% agree with you THE PAYMENT MUST FULLY CONFIRM CLEARED IN YOUR ACCOUNT FROM YOUR BANK as i’ve said earlier on that before i can take full possession of the car which i belief you have no problem regarding to that and my shippingagent will sign the DVLA papers and all other necessary documents related to this car upon is arrival to your location on my behalf he has all the full details with him for the DVLA and moreso,regarding the Vehicle Registration Document i shall prepare that myself .

I ‘ll giving you £300 for your efforts and western union charges out of the shippingagent money.

I want you to understand immediatly my shippingagent claim the balance from you same day the bankers draft clears is going to make use of the funds left to come down to your location for the pick up arrangements and to settle some shipping bills such as bill of lading,insurance and custom charges etc during the process of shipping and his coming down alongside with a mechanic who’s going to assist the shipper to drive the car to a nearby sea port because my shippingagent is not perfect in driving.

So right now i want you to provide me where the payment will be address to such as :
I’ll need your data for the BANKERS DRAFT, viz;
Pls mail me today to let me know the CAR is SOLD to me

Thanks for selling to me.


Mrs Miranda Lawrence

If your husband travelled to California in Unites State of America you would be profound dump too.

Hi Miranda, I am very sorry to hear about your profound dump, but either way I would be happy if you called me Bill, not Myself. Thanks!

Yes that is right all of the document must be done before I can put the car on your boat so please send me a photo of yourself so I can place that on the form. Usually I would do this in person but if you are on the dump then it is difficult to make the photo hide that, I am very sory about this but once you have sent me the photo we can sort that out. 28/m/NI, btw.

I am concerned about one thing, the car was being advertised for £4900. You then said that you would pay me £5700 for the car. And now you are only offering me £9600, I am worried where this money is going, but I trust that you will get this sorted out before I take the car to the boat.

Before we go on, I am happy to give you my details. I am on 0xxxx xxxxxx. (I almost forgot the blank out the number)

I look forward to greeting your mechanic, but please, will this be a girl mechanic? I am happier in my car with girls, I think you know why 😉

It looks like Bill succesfully managed to freak out a Miranda with his girl ‘mechanic’ talk, because she didn’t write back.

Views: 196

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

2 thoughts on “Scambaiter – Miranda’s profound dump

  • This Fake miranda person tried to get my car as well for double the asking price..I am so clued up about these scamming beasts do they honestly think I would fall for there pish. They need to get a fucking real life & a fucking job to pay there way and stop coming up with fkd up stories. I am profound dump- cant even spell it right. Fuck sake like get a life

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