
Phantasy Star Universe to close English PC/PS2 Servers

Phantasy Star Universe
Phantasy Star Universe

Last week General Manager Edward Sega announced that the Playstation 2 and PC servers for the English version of PSU will be closing on March 31st 2010.

On the PSU official forums he added:

“SEGA would like to extend its sincere thanks to those who have played on the PC/PS2 servers over the past several years. The final update for PC/PS2 servers will be this January 29th, 2010, which will start the long-awaited MAG+ event. This event will receive the same updates & web support as the event on the Xbox 360 servers.

Please note that after January 29th 2010, no new PSU subscriptions will be available for purchase for PC/PS2. Those who are subscribed as of that time will be able to play, for free, until service closure.”

Those that still play PSU on the Xbox 360 will continue to receive support with regular updates including previously unreleased content.

The schedule is as follows:

• January 29th 2010: MAG+ event begins for PC/PS2 and Xbox 360 servers.

• January 29th 2010: No new PC/PS2 PSU subscriptions will be available for purchase.

• January 29th 2010: Free play for PC/PS2 PSU begins. No more billing cycles will take place on or after this date.

• March 31st 2010: PC/PS2 servers / service closure, the PlayStation2 and PC versions of Phantasy Star Universe online play will not be available after this date, however, please continue to enjoy the Single Player version of the game.

This was a game I enjoyed since the Dreamcast and though it lives on with the 360 it is sad to see it go.

RIP English PC/PS2 PSU

October 24, 2006 – March 31, 2010

Views: 2100

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

0 thoughts on “Phantasy Star Universe to close English PC/PS2 Servers

  • “Those that still play PSU on the Xbox 360 will continue to receive support with regular updates including previously unreleased content.”

    PSU has support and updates? SINCE WHEN?

  • It’s funny how all these people think it’s sad and whatever but never supported the game. Thanks a lot. :/ Now my 4 years of work is going down. Also this game was not on dreamcast that was PSO. A totally different game which shows the person who wrote this didn’t even give PSU a chance. >.>; Meh.

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