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MySpace Interview – Dylan Walshe

So, who are you anyway?

I”m Dylan Walshe, a solo artist from Dublin, Ireland. Have been under different names and bands in the past but it”s always ended up back to basics with an acoustic guitar shoutin” out some lyrically based tunes…

Describe your sound for us

Different projects, instruments and bands have pushed and pulled the sound in all kinds of directions but it”s early recorded music and its raw simplicity that the sound seems to head towards eventually

So you rate yourself then?

Well there”s always gonna be a certain amount of confidence in an artist so they can perform but it seems to swing like a pendulum for the most part. I”m confident in the songs I write but I”m also aware that I can take a lot away from the songs through an awkward performance of the material(That can add to it too if your in luck)

Who are your influences?

Again it”s back to early recorded music before there was a separation in genres. It was a time when it was about the individual and the character of a musician and how they put who they were into simple movements and lyrics. Before there was country, folk, blues etc, you had individuals who probably wouldn”t even know what a genre was. Mississippi John Hurt, Son House, Henry online casino bonuses Thomas, The Mississippi Sheiks. But once an artist is believable they have my attention and a good artist or song will eventually transcend a supposedly boxed off genre. 

What”s in the future?

Everything and anything I guess??! The present is much more appealing don”t ye think?

What”s your claim to fame?

I though fame does the claiming, no?

Being interviewd by an obscure internet site maybe…

Tell us one of your musical secrets.

I”ll give two. One, never depend on anyone and two, don”t write just talk.

Where do you see yourself in ten years time?

Behind a bass drum with a bald head, vintage guitar, beard, vintage amp, bottle neck slide, a whiskey burnt throat, loads of rhythm and simple but effective lyrics. Just having the presence of an artist who has lived what the sing I hope. They”re the guys that do it for me

Myspace or facebook?

Myspace has kind of burnt out a little but still a good way to get a feel for an artist. Facebook doesn”t hound ye with all sorts of crap and when you”re living away from home a lot of your friends travel facebook is a little more personal than an e-mail even though evryone else hears yer news too??! 

Meeting people is easy…

Views: 199

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

3 thoughts on “MySpace Interview – Dylan Walshe

  • Where do I go to hear Dylan’s music – think it’s gonna be good…

  • Follow the link at the top for his MySpace page, you’ll find more info and music there.

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