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Lorenzo Pasini: Aurea Section

Aurea Section logo
Aurea Section logo

Name: Lorenzo Pasini

Company: Aurea Section

Profession: Biologist, 3D Modeler/Game Designer

Favorite Classic Games: C&C/Red Alert, Total Annihilation for strategy; Freespace 1&2 / Xwing vs Tie Fighter for space games; Duke Nukem, Half-Life for shooters, GP1/2 for racing.

Quote: Some italian ones that are hard to be properly translated in english 🙂

Bio: AureaSection is a small independent team developing games with a focus on solid core mechanics, practical design and sustainable development.

They are the creators of the known Half-Life modification called The Specialists, an action game featuring a unique mix of guns and melee combat and the first multiplayer game ever offering interactive slowmotion.

After this first project their lives diverged for a while. Filippo went working for some years in Crytek, improving his programming skills and working with industry veterans. Lorenzo took some years to graduate in Biology and Michele, after the high school managed to improve his musical composing skills which will be possible to appreciate in our games.

However, they always kept in touch with the idea, one day, to make their own games.

Naumachia: Space Warfare is their first standalone game and it will present their unique take on the space sim/combat genre.

Naumachia Space Warfare banner
Naumachia Space Warfare banner

Project: Naumachia: Space Warfare

Project info: It’s a first person space game with both fighter simulation and real-time strategy command of several units.

Views: 2225

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

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