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Lee Amarakoon: UTV True Games

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UTV True Games logo

Name: Lee Amarakoon

Company: UTV True Games

Profession: FX Artist / Heaven Mage

Favorite Classic Game: Herzog Zwei (Sega Genesis, 1990)

Quote: It’s the game that got me into playing strategy games.   With only 1 ship, you transported tanks and other units to the different bases scattered around the level in order to take over sections of the map.  The ship had limited fuel, so expanding was very important since you could also refuel at the captured points.  The ship could transform into a robot so you could attack the ground also.   Since it was 2 player split screen the fight for territory control was great.   My friends and I would look over at each other’s screen to see who was doing what.  This trained us later for GoldenEye 🙂

Bio/Current Event: Currently making class abilities for Faxion Online.    If you’ve always wondered “how do they come up with the spells?” I want  to take you through an example spell creation in Faxion Online.  The spell design and implementation is done by Designer, Jonathan Pollard,   he provides me with a list of abilities with a description on what each one does.    For this example we’ll use Hellfire: summon demonic flames to burn an enemy, inflicting Unholy damage.   The ability asks for demonic flames and flames always look cooler in an unholy green.  Image1 shows the textures used in the spell,  they were created in Photoshop with brushes and various plug-ins.

Views: 2151

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

One thought on “Lee Amarakoon: UTV True Games

  • Herzog Zwei is completely amazing both as a strategy game and as an action game with intense PVP.

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