Travis Wannlund: Razer
Name: Travis “Razer|Mjolnir” Wannlund
Title: Community Manager
Company: Razer.
Favorite classic game: How classic are we talking here? If we are going back to NES, it would have to be River City Ransom. If we are talking PC then I am going with the original Fallout.
Quote: For Fallout? Pure unadulterated freedom. Any game that allows me to solve any and all problems with a minigun will always have a special place in my heart. Rad scorpions attacking the town? Minigun. Shop prices too high? Minigun. Damn kids won’t get off your lawn? You see the pattern. As for River City Ransom, I challenge anyone to come up with a better co-op fighting game. If your suggestion doesn’t allow me to use my partner as a bludgeoning weapon, then I don’t want to hear it.
Views: 394
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