
Free Stuff – Programs by Keldon Jones

Race For The Galaxy computer version
Race For The Galaxy computer version

Free Stuff – Programs by Keldon Jones

If you visit Keldon’s website you will find many useful game related programs he wrote.

Click here to visit his site.

In this sub-site, he wrote a program that let’s you check and compare scores between you and your friends for Rock Band or Rock Band 2, using different statistical filters.

Following this link, you will find MAngband, a real-time multiplayer version of the roguelike game Angband.

If you like card games, he also wrote computer versions of some recent card games.

At this link you will find his computer, single-player version of the space expansion, domination card game Race For The Galaxy. If you don’t know the rules he includes links to read the rules at the Rio Grande Games website.

At this other link he does the same except this time with the card game Blue Moon.

At the following link he created an online dice result simulator for the game Descent.

Neat programs not just for fans for roguelike games but also for overall gamers like me that don’t just play video games but also board and card games. Enjoy and thanks to Keldon for his great programs.

Views: 327


I've been gaming since the introduction of the Commodore 64. After that computer I moved onto Amiga and finally onto PC. As far as consoles go I mainly enjoy the older systems.

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