Game Reviews

F@#K! The 7 rudest twitter account names

We keep hearing that Twitter is going to be the big thing in 2009, so I imagine people will be trying to quickly grab an account with their favourite user name as fast as they can. Of course as Twitter has been going for a few years now a lot of those users names will have been taken already. I thought I would take the opportunity to check out the seven rudest words (using George Carlin’s The Seven Words You Can Never Say On TV) to see if those account names had been taken.

You can’t beat a good shit to start with. Crappy puns aside this is possibly a good name and very accurate name for a lot of twitter accounts (mine included), however the owner of this account as both choosen to not created any updates but to hide this non-existing updates.

This is account is acctaully in use, by (what looks like) a japanese person. I don’t know if Piss mean something completely diffirent in Japanese, but the Bio “Too Fast to Piss” does nothing but confuse the issue. Unless the account was registered by a Japanese Billy Whizz

Possibly the most indemand sweary user name in history, with such an offensive and overused word the possibilities are endless. So what does the owner of Fuck go and do? He protects the account and and doesn’t use it. No following, no followers, and no updates. Well done, Dan, You fuck.

Ah, no for my favourite swear word, as it’s the one that annoyies the wife the most. This looked like it was snapped up by the charming Mr Cunt back in May 2007, but got bored with it six minutes later. Well at least he give it a good try.

The ulimate account for ‘Deadwood’ Fans, in fact it’s if the show was still running I wouldn’t have been surprised if HBO registered the account to promote the show. However the cocksuck who did bother to register it, departed after a couple of updates. Fuck you, indeed, Cocksucker.

Since the word that is a big hit with Librarians and Samuel L. Jackson fans, it’s surprising that the mother fucker who owns this account couldn’t think of anything interesting to do with it.

Has been suspended. Is this a sad waste or perhaps the picture of the owl is just a clever set up a great hooters gag?

If you have a twitter account you can follow ObscureInternet or me, if you really wanted to. Just remember No swearing, unless it’s funny.

Views: 77

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

2 thoughts on “F@#K! The 7 rudest twitter account names

  • A fine selection and a true shame that these twitters have done nothing after their initial sweary greatness LOL

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