Interview Clips

Here you can find clips from The Obsolete Gamer Show where we interview people from the gaming and entertainment industry.

Interview Clips

Wrestling memories with Mike -NESquester- Wright

If you did not know that besides being a gamer and a fantastic retrogaming writer, Mike NESQuester Wright was also a wrestler and during our interview with him on the Alt F4 show we just had to ask him to share some stories with us and he was happy to do so. Now as you can imagine wrestlers can get crazy so the first story he told us was pretty NSFW so just keep that in mind as you watch this, but honestly, if you ever read or watched anything about wrestling (or football for that matter) it’s not surprising to hear of a story like this. Mike also shared some other memories of his wrestling days in this clip about interactions with wrestlers and how they treated him and others on their way up and down in the industry

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Interview Clips

Jan Kavan: Gaming in the Czech Republic

One of the great things about interviewing people is finding out about their culture and as gamer’s, sometimes we can have blinders on believing everyone had a history similar to our own.

During our interview with Jan Kavan creator of J.U.L.I.A: Among the Stars, he told us about how gaming developed in the Czech Republic and it was interesting to say the least to hear the differences between there and the U.S.

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