Telltale Games

Modern PC Gaming

The Wolf Among Us

This is a story driven game that uses its surroundings and language to give the gamer a true feel for each character they encounter. While episode one is a little on the short side, it’s still long enough to introduce several key characters, and even re-writes one well known childhood story. That’s not a bad thing either. The story will give you many choices, and will remember each answer you give. Characters will take note of your responses, and their future interactions will reflect your previous approach to the game.

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Modern PC Gaming

The Walking Dead: Episodes 1-5

Much like previous Telltale Games, you use a four tied conversation tree that corresponds with each direction of your control pad. Unlike previous titles, however, in The Walking Dead all of your choices are timed (and some you only have mere seconds to make). There is absolutely zero backtracking to see different options or outcomes. This gives each of the choices a weight that just didn’t exist in similar point and click adventure games; once you make a decision, you are stuck with it unless you restart the entire chapter.

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Company Representatives

Sean Vanaman: Telltale Games

It’s a murder mystery about rival biker gangs with themes of loss and the ending of eras, set against the backdrop of the American southwest — albeit a bizarre version of it with flying cars. Also, you get to hit guys in the face with a 2×4 while riding a chopper. This type of fantasy is why we play games, and why I got into making adventure gamers.

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