stun runner


The Atari Lynx

As Atari thought they were on a winner with the Lynx II, along came Sega’s Game Gear in 1991. Although the Lynx was far superior than the Game Gear, it could not compete with Sega’s vast advertising budget and resources. The Game Gear was also backward compatible with the extensive library of Master System games. Even though Atari’s Lynx was relegated in the portable device market by the Gameboy and later by the Game Gear, it was still home to some awesome games and arcade conversions like: Chip’s Challenge, Klax, California Games, Blue Lightning, Rampart, Lemmings, Roadblasters, Paperboy, Rampage, STUN Runner, Xenophobe, Xybots and Zarlor Mercenary.

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Company Representatives

Lisa Carter: TFPSoft

If I had to pick just one game, however, it would have to be the original Legend of Zelda. By the standards of the day the game world was huge, which made it lots of fun. But what I really loved were all the secrets. Every nook and cranny held yet another hidden item. I’m still a sucker for a good treasure hunt.

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