jace hall show


J.A. Laraque on 1337 Lounge Live!

I wanted more and I figured if you can get one profile then why not 100. We added profiles from small indie companies all the way up to people from Capcom and more, but then I said: How about celebrities. I am a big fan of the Jace Hall show and wanted to interview the man himself. We sent out e-mails, but he was very busy at the time working on his web series as well as the remake of V. For a time I thought I would never get his gamer profile, but then after several delays he promised to send one.

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Holiday Hardware Guide

You would think that you could not replicate that feeling once you are buying your own gifts, but that isn’t true. When I purchased my black Xbox 360 I felt just like a kid again even though I was spending my hard earned bucks and the same can be said for games like Batman Arkham City and the upcoming Star Wars, The Old Republic. So you may have purchased your gifts this year and if you are lucky you have others buying gifts that you know you will love. Here at Obsolete Gamer, we look at modern games and systems that can also have a Retro twist to it, but in the end will bring smiles to our faces when we open it.

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The Obsolete Gamer Show 5

What do you get when you put three crazy geeky gamers in a room for an hour, uncommon hilarity. On this week’s OGS our famed editorial writer Umar joined us to talk about everything from Farmville hate to Pokemon love. No gaming subject was too taboo nor were the jokes. I have to say I believe this was our funniest show ever and I will just leave it at that.

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