Frag Dolls

Pro Gamers

Sabre: Frag Dolls

This was my very first Zelda game, and I feel in love with it as soon as I started playing it. I can remember taking turns playing the game with my dad, and we’d work together to beat the mini-bosses and temples. It was absolutely amazing 😀

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Pro Gamers

Pixxel: Frag Dolls

Super Mario World was my introduction into gaming. When I was about four years young, my mom purchased a SNES and this was my very first game for it. She would play this game with me for what seemed like hours on end and I feel like it really bonded us.

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Pro Gamers

Spectra: Frag Dolls

I was really really good at it. It was my very first video game addiction. I played it so much that when I closed my eyes at night I would see little pills falling. No other video games at the time appealed to me like this one did. It was the only game I was interested in playing. I played it over and over. I love Dr. Mario.

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