Author: metalfighterriku

PlayStation 3

Heavy Rain

It very easy to move the character around to interact. During cut-scenes, which is like 90% of the game, you have to press certain buttons or a combination of buttons depending on the situation you’re in. Usually it’s X, O, triangle and square, or moving the joystick in different directions… but some combinations are hard getting used to, especially when you’re given a certain amount of time to do it. It’s sometimes hard to see what the character is thinking, especially when they are jittery and nervous, so you’ll often find yourself pressing the wrong button.

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Snowboard Kids 2

The game is simple but can be quite challenging when a massacre of items and weapons are being used against you. The boss fights in story mode can be difficult and sometimes annoying, especially when they scatter debris for you to trip over. Some characters use special boards in certain stages, making it difficult to pas them without the aid of a special board. After beating story mode, it gives you the option to play it on expert. I found the dinosaur in Crazy Jungle to be extremely difficult in normal mode, even with the dragon board, so I imagine on expert it is probably impossible.

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