
Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete

lunar silver star storyLunar: Silver Star Story Complete

The game Lunar didn’t rang a bell to many as only real savvy Sega fans would know of its existence. The game was original released for the Sega CD and many thought it was a lost gem. Working Designs decided to port it to the original Playstation and this is the result. An amazing cinematic RPG of mass proportions! Lets take a look at it….
lunar silver star story
The music really reflects the beauty and atmosphere of this game. If there is anything this game stands out on is the music. You might see it today as a dated game but the music will always shine on this one. We all still listen to Beethoven right? Enough said!

lunar silver star storyThe graphics could have been better but they were good enough. You’ll feel like if you are playing a SNES RPG at times due to the graphics module the developers decided to use and lets face it, with games such as Final Fantasy 7, the standard of how RPGs played and are supposed to look like was raised. It won’t affect much of the gameplay anyways as it’s what the game’s strong point is.
lunar silver star storyWith every RPG comes every type of gameplay. You will find yourself battling through tough bosses and dungeons in this one. This game is not as easy as you might think so you better be ready to use all your skills for it. The challenge factor is what makes you keep coming for more so in a way it’s not too tough that you would want to rip your head off but it’s also not too easy to make it a cakewalk. Just try it for yourself.

lunar silver star story

RPGs are very tough when it comes to replay value as they tend to take a long time to finish so this will depend on how a hardcore a RPG gamer you are. You can’t say not to a second run at this beauty. If you overpass the difficulty, then you’ll be fine and enjoy multiple hours of this masterpiece.

The game delivers an experience like no other. You will fall in love with the characters and storyline. This game will suck you in from start to finish! Be sure to pick it up even though it could be pricey!

Views: 343

Luis Zena

I'm Luis Z, aka Famicomfreak from Retro Gaming Life the site that has everything you need to know about retro games, emulation, and information involving the magical past of video gaming.

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