Did you Know: Mario Edition
Did you Know: Mario Edition
Facts about that world famous plumber, Mario and his games that have lasted for decades that you may or may not have known about. Obviously you can find these elsewhere, but together in one spot is always nice. So let us begin.
Mario’s Mustache serves a greater purpose
Sure it seems completely normal now and without it our turtle battling plumber would be incomplete, but here is the real reason Mario has a mustache. Perhaps creator of Donkey Kong, Shigeru Miyamoto knew that Mario would become a worldwide hit or maybe he just cared a lot about the details, but when making Mario he wanted him to stand out and be distinctive as possible not just a blur of pixels. Now remember the time, he only had seven pixels to work with when drawing his face so the mustache was added to give him that personal touch not found in many faces in games at the time.
The carpet matches the drapes
Staying in the world of Mario Bros, in the original Super Mario Bros for the NES the clouds and bushes uses the same graphics. Yes, it is true, sometimes you need to save on artistry so why not turn a white cloud into a green bush (insert you own joke here. I bet most of you never even noticed.
Clothes make the man and the animation
So we understand the reasoning for Mario’s mustache, but why the overalls. Well, you might think it has to do with a plumbers uniform which makes sense and I am sure was also a part of the reasoning, but if you also notice, Mario’s arms have different color sleeves. This helps with his jumping animation so it shows up well on our old 8-bit systems. With just a normal shirt or a shirt matching his overalls it would make the animation seem less fluid.
Mario doesn’t use his head
Many people may know this, but just as many do not. Mario does not break the bricks with his head. I mean, come on, he may be super, but he isn’t stupid. If you look closely, you will see that he uses his fist to break them. This also plays into our previous fact that talked about his overalls and shirt color. It just makes more sense that a tough Italian plumber would break bricks with his fist not his head right?
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