
The Obsolete Gamer Show

The Obsolete Gamer Show: 20XX, Until Dawn

We’re bringing together the best of many of our other web series such as Alt F4 and Beyond the Gamer Trailer and incorporating them into OGS to delivery what we hope will be one entertaining show. For our first episode we are still getting used to the new format and it was a little clunky, but we will be adding a lot over the next few shows to deliver and fun and informative experience.

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Pure GameplayThe Gameplay Channel

Inferno 2 PC Gameplay

Check out some gameplay footage from the retro inspired shooter, Inferno 2. Released by Radiangames it features 80 levels of gameplay where you explorer and fight your way through a maze of enemies and barriers to the end of each map. Along the way you can upgrade and enhance your ship to take out your enemies in a number of different ways utilizing various weapons such as missiles, spread weapons and even special powers that unleash devastating attacks.

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Pure GameplayThe Gameplay Channel

Caffeine: AVCon 2015 Demo Gameplay

We got our hands on the AVCon 2015 playable demo of Caffeine and took it out for a spin. In Caffeine you awaken aboard a caffeine mining space station to find yourself, a young boy seemingly all alone. The only thing you know for sure? Something bad has transpired here… Confused and alone, you start to explore this seemingly derelict space station finding cryptic notes and messages everywhere you look, could these be clues to what has happened?”

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Xbox 360

Payday 2: The Heist

The most enjoyable way to play Payday 2 is with three of your friends who actually use microphones. When the missions are pulled off flawlessly you will feel extremely satiated as a player, but communication and precise planning are necessary, even on some of the easier and shorter selections. One stupid mistake can cost you an entire run, and this will happen 99.9 percent of the time you even attempt, making robberies that don’t end up turning into the last act of Dog Day Afternoon both extremely rare and immensely rewarding.

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POD: Marvel versus Capcom 3

I won’t even try to pretend I am not fanboi’ing out over MvC3. When I first heard about it I was excited and it took me back to the days when I played X-Men versus Street Fighter. I would spend hours at the gas station playing and honestly kicking everyone’s ass who dared to challenge me. Then I moved on to the arcades where I had a pretty strong record, but as always some 8 year old kid would come and lay the smack down on me, I swear his dad made the game.

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Tera Online Q&A

Brain Knox: When characters die in the game, they lose what we call “stamina.” Stamina can be regained quickly by spending gold, or you can heal your character’s stamina by resting near a campfire. Additionally, there is a chance that any enhancement crystals you placed into your character’s weapon or armor might break when you die. Upon death, your character respawns at the nearest campsite in full gear; there is no corpse retrieval or costly experience loss.

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A look at Tera Online

The key is in the fighting system which relies more on movement, teamwork and attack timing. What this means is where and how you hit your enemy matters and working as a team to coordinate your attacks is vital. No more point and click and no more staring at the UI, in Tera Online your attention is on the battle even if you are healing.

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