Don Doko Don 2


Pirated Childhood

This game was the entire reason why I went to the lobby every time I could. This game took me out my seat and brought me to a gaming world I have never experienced, and back. The so called Super Bros 8 is actually a hack of Don Doko Don 2 released by Taito. The whole game fits well for it to be a potential Mario title (if you ignore the storyline that is). You play as Mario holding a hammer and stomping evil looking mushrooms (sounds Mario-like?), as well as other creatures along your way including pigs!

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Homebrews, Bootlegs & Unreleased Games

Super Bros 8 (FC)

So this week we have Super Bros 8 for the Famicom/NES consoles. The game is actually a hack of Don Doko Don 2. The game has been hacked to look similar to a Mario game and how so? Well all you had to do was Hack the title screen to show Mario in it instead of that little old guy and of course the character’s sprite. Overall, it’s a great game! Playing as Mario in an unknown world is typical for a Mario game

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