Shaun Norton: Sandbox Strategies
Name: Shaun Norton
Company: Sandbox Strategies
Profession: PR Manager
Favorite Classic Game: Metal Gear Solid
Quote: This game blew my mind the first time I played it, which was via a demo disc in a gaming magazine. It was unlike anything I had played before, a remarkably polished game with an intricate story and incredibly satisfying controls and gameplay. I was hooked the second I popped the disc in, and it was one of the first games where I not only became engrossed in the story and the struggles of the amazing characters and cast, but that I also took hours and hours to replay. I was obsessed with successfully sneaking around unnoticed, which would also trigger just minor changes in dialogue or cut scenes, and I couldn’t stop playing until I unlocked the stealth and the bandana upgrades. This game basically kick started me down the path to becoming the passionate, ‘core’ gamer I am today.
Views: 367
Metal Gear Solid was a groundbreaking console stealth game. One of the games that made the Playstation 1 a hit.