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Olivier Vermeille: Zallag

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Name: Olivier Vermeille


Company: Zallag


Profession: Marketing & PR Manager


Favorite Classic Game: Final Fantasy Tactics (PlayStation)


Quote: The first game I remember playing was a game called “Sorcery+” on Amstrad CPC. I can’t quite grasp what it was like but I remember it as something amazing with beautiful graphics. It would be quite painful to look at it today so I’m not going to dwell on this and will rather talk about the two games that took me away for hours and hours: “Ultima VII” and “Might & Magic 4&5”. These amazing game made me love RPG but I only played on PC at that time so I only knew about “Western” RPG ; up until the PlayStation and the famous Final Fantasy VII. This was another revelation yet it’s not my “Favorite Classic Game”. I’ve kept this spot for “Final Fantasy Tactics”.


It came out around the same time as Final Fantasy VII yet it was completely different. As the name suggest it was a Tactical RPG and the graphics were mixing 3D elements (for the battleground) with 2D (characters’ sprites).


What I liked about this game was how mature it was (despite its “cute” character design with noseless characters and funny Chocobos). It was about politics, religion, betrayal, love, murder, friendship…all mixed perfectly with a near-perfect gameplay experience. I won’t go into detail about the mechanics but let’s just say that it was extremely motivating to level up your characters. All thanks to the “jobs” system which lets you change jobs and still keep some of the abilities you previously learned.


All in all “Final Fantasy Tactics” is one of the greatest game I’ve played from beginning to end with accessible yet challenging difficulty as you progress. The team members that will join you as the story develops are also particularly memorable (they even included “Cloud” from Final Fantasy VII and explained his presence in the game in a very clever way as well!).


I can’t wait for the iPhone version to come out (which will be the adaptation of the PSP version as far as we know).


Optional) Bio/Current Event:

1° We release in December 2010 the Minis version (Playstation Network) of the amazing iPhone game “SHIFT”. Called “SHIFT extended” and compatible with both PS3 and PSP, this version will offer twice the content from the original game.


2° We have just released Gods vs Humans for WiiWare and PC. A nice mix of a Tower Defense game and a God Game with adorable characters 😉

Views: 551

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

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