Grace Snoke: Video Game Scoreboard
Name: Grace Snoke. In the gaming world, I go by Kayhynn
Profession: this question has a bunch of answers. My real life job occupation is as a corporate journalist/web content manager for several large corporations. Outside my real job, I am the PR Coordinator and Content Manager for, a gaming website for MMOs and other games as well. In addition, I am part of the planning committee for the International Video Game Hall of Fame summer festival called Big Bang 2010. For them, I work as public relations and press relations to help make the event a success.
Favorite Game: I’d have to say Legend of Zelda
Quote: I think it was because it had a story to it. There was a reason for you to explore the land and find everything. It made you think and starting that at age 9 or 10 or so…It made me fall in love with the entire Zelda series.
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