

Video gaming should not be the scapegoat for death of British gamer

Video gaming didn’t kill young Staniforth, folks. His own lack of activity did. He could have been an employee in a computer cubical for 40 hours a week that ate lunch at his desk. He could have been a person that travelled a lot, sitting for those long hours in planes and cars. He could have been sitting around watching a Harry Potter movie marathon, collecting stamps or watching paint dry.

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Game Reviews

Brain Blackout: The war against the Media

Recently the trend for some is to scream at the top of their lungs that the media is bad. There are some out there that would have you tune out to it all. The television is bias, the internet is full of lies and evil, and the books are written by socialists. Pretty much they are asking you to either get all your information from them, because they are the only ones who are telling the truth, or that you remain ignorant and allow others to tell you what you need to know.

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Game Reviews

Dear Dish Network

The Direct TV man told me that this happens sometimes. The Dish Network or Cable guys will come by and offer their services and if you turn them down sabotage your system. He told me to be on the lookout and gave me his personal number to call if it happened again. I would have kissed him if he didn’t look like he would punch me in the face if I did so. I shook his hand and thanked him and ran inside to my bedroom to cry.

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