

The Interview: Judd Saul

To be a pro gamer takes a lot of tenacity and risk. Like any sport, if you want to be the best and actually get paid to be a pro gamer, you have to practice, and you have to sacrifice. And most people including friends and family will ridicule you for trying. The best gamers have overcome adversity to get to where they are. But at the same time, most of them lack business sense and get into contracts they should have never signed.

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The Interview: Chris Tremmel

The process has become more complicated, usually requiring a large number of people to make something significant. The money involved in some of the triple A games is staggering with some budgets now reaching 100 million dollars. That naturally changes everything in terms of peoples priorities, and agendas. Sometimes for better, sometimes for worse.

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Aion Assault on Balaurea – Q&A

Every MMO that I’ve ever played or worked on has always pursed balance, and I don’t think any of them ever achieved it. You tweak one thing here, and another thing breaks as a result. It’s a constant battle, but I think it’s one that we do well. When we see areas that need more balancing or bugs that need fixing, we respond to it as quickly as we can, and if needed report it directly to the development team if it’s something we can’t fix in house.

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Interview – CoLD SToRAGE (Tim Wright)

I’ve done a lot of fast paced racing or shooting games. Recently I’ve had the chance to write some music for younger children’s games, so that was fun. I’d love to write music for a horror game, something really dark and terrifying. It’s not a genre I’ve really had much to do with, so I think I’d really love the challenge of writing a score that gives people an adrenalin rush (like the Wipeout tracks) but for a different reason.

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