Duke Nukem 3D

Classic Windows GamesComputer Games

Duke Nukem 3D

Duke Nukem sold over 300,000 copies in its first week of release. It went on to spawn several re-releases, like the Atomic Edition, East Meets West, and 3rd party level compilations and other mods, like Duke!Zone and Nuclear Winter. In the end the sales of Duke Nukem 3D were in the hundreds of millions of dollars, and made Duke Nukem easily one of the most recognizable franchises and characters in the gaming world.

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The Music Hall

Descent 2 Music

I remember when I first saw the first Descent while I was in high school I thought that it was light years ahead of Doom and other FPS games that were popular at the time like Duke Nukem 3D. Although they kind of faded into obscurity the Descent series always had a special place in my heart for causing epilepsy and nausea in its players.

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