SeaNanners LOVES Dubstep
Here is a great dubstep remix from one of the masters, Salad UK.
Read MoreHere is a great dubstep remix from one of the masters, Salad UK.
Read MoreThis weeks dubstep video remix features the office.
Read MoreInception, one of the greatest movies i have ever seen, gets a Nice little Dubstep Remix to its Exploding Cafe scene.
Read MoreWe found the cure to all your worries and it is the mixture of Nyan Cat and DubStep. Salad UK is back again this week with an enchanting music video that will consume your soul.
Read MoreWe had to come back and post the second Rebecca Blackstep from Salad UK not only because it is good, but because she complained about it to YouTube and made him pull it. Thank goodness for Vimeo.
Read MoreAnother Friday and with the weekend here it is time to get out and dance and that is what Dubstep Fridays is all about. This week we feature yet another Salad UK remix and this one has some hot stepping ladies getting down to the Skrillex.
Read MoreYou’ve survived another week, time to enjoy some Dubstep from SaladUK. This time we feature a internet superstar Boxxy. If you don’t know who Boxxy is read this – It tells you everything you need to know.
Read MoreDo you really need more? Thanks to Salad UK for this.
Read MoreWho would have ever thought you could make a Rebecca Black song good? Well our Dub Step remixers at Salad UK did. Check out this weeks Dub Step.
Read MoreWe here at Obscure Internet have a thing for Dubstep. For those that do not know it is in a nutshell a video remixed to go with Dubstep dance music. We believe everyone should dance on Fridays so we will be bringing you new ones each week.
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