E3 Guide


First Time to PAX? A Guide to PAX and Other Large Gaming Conventions

This is when setting a schedule comes in handy – more so if you’re a reporter. Panels are great to attend – but you have to plan to be at them not only the time they’re at, but an hour or so earlier to be in line for that panel. For really popular panels, you may need to be in line earlier than that. I recall one year I had wanted to get into the Tell Tale Games panel. I found out that people had been in line for four hours. FOUR. HOURS. My mind was blown.

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E3 2011: My E3 Guide

If you are media/press, pick up every free bag of goodies they give you. The best stuff I got was from World of Tanks, which gave me a bunch of toy tanks, a special bag, a World of Tanks T-Shirt, mouse pad, and special game bag, as far as the main floor went, and the biggest gift I got was from Topware which gave me a Collector’s Edition of Two Worlds 2 and a ton of T-shirts. Even if you don’t like a game, who knows, a friend of yours might like it! If you have a gaming website, some of this swag would be great to giveaway in the form of a contest.

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